Overclocking System Summaries


Our Recommended System for Performance Overclocking should allow you to reach the highest performance levels possible with standard air cooling. The components represent those components that have provided the best overclocking experience in our testing at AnandTech. Those who have thought about building a Socket 939 for Performance overclocking will absolutely love this setup.

 AMD Socket 939 Athlon 64 FX53
 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling AMD Athlon 64 FX53 Socket 939 Retail $811
Motherboard MSI K8N Neo2 (nForce3 Ultra) Socket 939 $165
Memory 1GB (2 X 512MB) OCZ PC3700 EB $340
Video Card 256MB eVGA 6800 GT $389
Computer Case
Power Supply
Coolermaster CM Stacker plus
520W OCZ Power Stream PSU
Hard Drive 2x74GB Western Digital 74GB Raptor 10,000RPM SATA RAID (148MB Total) $386
Bottom Line $2416*
*Plus Monitor, Optical Drive(s), Sound Card (or on-board Sound), Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse and Software

Please keep in mind that the $2416 is an overclocking system core price, and does not include all the components that you will need for a full-blown system.


The Performance Overclocking Alternative assembles the best overclocking components for a top-end Intel 925X socket 775 system.

 Intel Socket 775 Pentium 4 540
 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling Intel Pentium 4 540 (3.2GHz) $288
Motherboard Asus P5AD2 Premium $279
Memory 1GB (2 X 512MB) Crucial PC2-4200U $364
Video Card 256MB ATI X800 XT $550 (EST)
Computer Case
Power Supply
Coolermaster CM Stacker plus
520W OCZ Power Stream PSU
Hard Drive 2x74GB Western Digital 74GB Raptor 10,000RPM SATA RAID (148MB Total) $386
Bottom Line $2192*
*Plus Monitor, Optical Drive(s), Sound Card (or on-board Sound), Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse and Software

While $2192 is not exactly cheap for a top Socket 775 system, we have saved quite a bit of money by choosing a great overclocking motherboard in the Asus P5AD2 Premium and pairing it with a 3.2E that is capable of high overclocks with this board. The system also includes an estimated price for the ATI X800 XT, which has been shown to handle the out-of-spec PCIe speeds that we are seeing on all of the 925X/915P motherboards, which have been found to support higher overclocking speeds.

VALUE OC Recommended

Our readers who are already overclockers will most likely have systems that resemble either of our Value Overclocking Systems. Both are proven overclocking performers based on Pentium 4 Northwood and Athlon XP processors that have a solid history of stand-out overclocking performance. You will get outstanding value for your dollar with either Value OC system, and your system will be capable of performing at the top levels of Northwood and Athlon XP performance.

 Pentium 4 Socket 478
 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling Pentium 4 2.8C Northwood (Socket 478) $175
Motherboard Asus P4C800-E Deluxe $172
Memory 1GB (2 X 512MB) OCZ PC3700 EB $340
Video Card 256MB eVGA 6800 GT $389
Computer Case
Power Supply
Coolermaster CM Stacker plus
480W Antec True Power PSU
Hard Drive Seagate 200GB 7200RPM IDE
(8Mb Cache)
Bottom Line $1457* ($1157)
*Plus Monitor, Optical Drive(s), Sound Card (or on-board Sound), Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse and Software

The Socket 478 Value OC system weighs in at $1457 for the core components. The Coolermaster CM Stacker may be overkill for some Value overclockers, and you can easily cut $100 of the total ticket with a cheaper Aluminum Case, like a Kingwin. Another place to cut costs would be substituting an ATI 9800 Pro video card at $200 less than the nVidia 6800 GT. These 2 changes alone drop the cost to $1157.

VALUE OC Alternative

Some readers will still consider the Athlon XP Value OC system the king of overclocking, but since its performance would be last in this group, you really should take a look at some of the other overclocking alternatives presented here. There is no doubt, however, that an Athlon XP mobile on a great nForce2 ultra 400 motherboard provides incredible bang-for-the-buck.

 AMD Athlon XP and nVidia nForce2 400 Ultra
 Hardware  Component  Price
CPU & Cooling AMD Athlon XP Barton 2500T Mobile $88
Heatsink/Fan $12
Motherboard DFI NFII Ultra Infinity $91
Memory 1GB (2 X 512MB) Corsair 3200XL $300
Video Card 256MB eVGA 6800 GT $389
Computer Case
Power Supply
Coolermaster CM Stacker plus
480W Antec True Power PSU
Hard Drive Seagate 200GB 7200RPM IDE
(8Mb Cache)
Bottom Line $1261* ($836)
*Plus Monitor, Optical Drive(s), Sound Card (or on-board Sound), Speakers, Keyboard, Mouse and Software

If the final tab of $1261 for the core components of an XP mobile system seems high, three areas stand out for paring. First, go with a cheaper case for $100 less. Second, buy an ATI 9800 PRO for $200 less and overclock the heck out of it. Third, go for one of the CAS 2.5 value DDR400 memories from Corsair, Geil, OCZ, Kingston, and others; this could save you about $125. These three substitutions reduce the price by $425 and get the core system price down to $836.

Case and Power Supply Final Words
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  • vaeren - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    Well I decided to try the EVGA card for 389 from www.buyxg.com Went to the site, lo and behold the card is stated there at 389. I go to buy it and it rings up 409. Ok, so I see it's backordered and I send them an e-mail basically asking them to honor the homepage. They essentially tell me that I don't know what I'm talking about and the page is now fixed. I don't think I'd recommend them in the future as an accurate price guideline. Granted Anandtech doesn't guarentee prices, but I think poor business practices should be addressed.
  • PrinceGaz - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    Just a slight error in the article regarding the Mobile XP 2500+

    "However, the FSB speeds and multiplier are also a fortunate accident on the 2500+, since 11X is also the same multiplier as the top 3200+ Athlon XP. Since the 2500+ runs at 166 FSB, 3200+ performance is often as easy as setting the FSB to 200 from the default 166. Most, but not all, 2500+ can easily reach 3200+ speeds. The 2600+ mobile also looks even more promising as an overclocker, though we have not yet tested it. With specifications of the same 45 watt power consumption, a 12 multiplier, and 166FSB, it is hard not to be tempted when it is less than $10 more than a 2500+."

    The desktop version of the 2500+ does run at 166*11 (1833 MHz), but the Mobile version has a 133FSB default. Thats not a problem because as you say in the article, they are unlocked so you can set the FSB and multiplier to whatever you like. But you will need to lower the multiplier with the Mobile 2500+ to run it as a 3200+.

    The Mobile 2600+ is probably a much better choice because it has a much higher default speed than you'd expect,
    Desktop 2500+ 166*11 = 1833 MHz
    Desktop 2600+ 166*11.5 = 1917 MHz
    Mobile 2500+ 133*14 = 1867 MHz (1.45V)
    Mobile 2600+ 133*15 = 2000 MHz (1.45V)
    the Mobile versions of both chips have a slightly higher clock speed than the desktop versions to compensate for the lower default FSB. In particular the Mobile 2600+ is a whole 133MHz faster than the Mobile 2500+ to compensate for the ever diminishing returns of higher multipliers.

    For an overclocker that means the Mobile 2600+ is an unlocked chip that is guaranteed to run easily at 2GHz while still at 1.45V. That pretty much guarantees it will reach 2.3GHz, and maybe as much as 2.5GHz at the desktop 1.65V. And you can always give it a little extra juice if that isn't enough :)
  • roostercrows - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    #2 bluedart
    i did some research about a month ago on the synthetic diamond heatsinks and it seems they have been used for many decades (40+ years)."Swans" research was extremely helpful. i would like to know what material you are coating the diamonds on and also if you are infiltrating the diamonds with copper etc,(if you are makeing one you know what i mean). i have one ordered using tungsten and 6%cobalt as the base metal, 1mm to 1.5mm thick. i'm glad to hear someone else is playing around with this. btw, the specs that i looked at were 7x better than silver, using single crystal. also, what size are you using and are you using an existing product or are you starting from scratch? have fun.
  • Pathogen03 - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    I like the writting style and thought processes behind the review.. It definetly was the most fun, and most detailed one ive seen.


    Your Recommendations are shaky at best. When you argued the 2500+ over the 2600+ for the mobile chip, it made sense, but the inclusion of the FX-53 over an Athlon64 just completely eludes me.. Id suggest you talk to some people on the forums before you do your next one, to doublecheck you have all of the current overclocking trends down. Oh, and a true overclocker would never even CONSIDER a Speeze heatsink.. If you want to talk about the article I can try to give you my opinion, you have my name in the forums just PM me.
  • TrogdorJW - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    I have to say that this is by far the best of ANY of the guides that you and Evan have put together for Anandtech, Wesley. Perhaps it's the inclusion of four system options (with prices for all four, even!), or maybe it's just that I'm an overclocker at heart? Anyway, I'm not too sure about the FX-53 on the performance end, as it's just way too expensive, but that's about my only complaint. You mention the 3500+, and for the price, I would think that's the way to go.

    I have to agree with the suggestion of just making suggestions for the five basic platforms, though. I mean, you already have done that, with the exception of the socket 754 system. Add in a motherboard (MSI K8N Neo Platinum?) and CPU (3200+ 1 MB?), and you're pretty much done.

    Anyway, great job! I'm seriously looking at a socket 754 overclocking setup in the near future, unless someone can convince me that the extra $120 for the 3500+ over the 3200+ (not to mention the motherboard probably costing ~$40 more for S939) is worthwhile. Any takers, or should I just go with a 3200+? I won't be buying for at least another month, Wesley, so you can address my needs in your next OC guide! :)
  • Wesley Fink - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    MSI just sent the following reply to our request for information about when the K8N Neo2 would be available for purchase by our readers:

    "I am sorry for this kind of situation and inconvenience. My first shipment of K8N Neo2 will be this coming Tue. (Aug 3rd). Most on-line etailers (newegg, ziproomfly, .......) will post the board on Wed. or Thu to allow customers to buy it.

    We will also modify the product page from "available soon" to "first week of AUG." http://www.msicomputer.com/product/p_spec.asp?mode..."

  • Parc - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    Great article as always. These are my favorite because it is exactly what I look to your website for the best of the hardware out. Key word out. The MSI board is not out and now had been delayed to somewhere around August 9. By August 9 the board will probably be delayed again. Why do you keep putting a board up that no one can get? The 6800s are hard to get but can be gotten . This just a suggestion. Still great article except board.
  • Wesley Fink - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    The Coolermaster CM stacker is not an all-Aluminum case, but a mixture of 1.0 mm steel plate for strength and Aluminum alloy. The description has been corrected in the article.
  • Anemone - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    Agreed Shinei...

    I'm looking at the 3700 EB (3-3-2-8) and then at the new 4000 Rev 2 (2.5-3-3-?) and curious how they compare. Had a chance to look over the new 4000 Rev 2 yet Wesley?

    Loved this article totally - as well as the 939 reviews. OC'ing on the new 925X boards has a host of connected issues with pci-e and sata, so bye bye Intel...

    Another great AT article for sure
  • Shinei - Wednesday, July 28, 2004 - link

    T8000 has apparently never read any of the Socket 939 benchmarks AT did, or he'd know that the AFX's stomp out Intel at media encoding (along with just about everything else). Anyway, moving on from Trollville.

    I agree about the 3500+ being the better price/performance part over the FX53. Of course, I don't own one, so I can't comment on performance, but based on AT's results, it looks like a promising component...

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